
Proper punctuation is essential to our brand. All ACE communications should follow the punctuation rules of the AP Stylebook; if you’re in doubt, reach out to marketing@ace.edu. Here are a few common rules to remember: 


Be careful when using apostrophes that your sentence still makes sense:  

Its is the possessive use: The dog is playing with its toy.  

It’s is for “It is”:  It’s going to be a beautiful day.  

ACE’s curriculum is difficult but it’s satisfying to earn a degree. 



Please be judicious in using commas. They are meant to insert a short pause in a sentence, so we don’t want to slow the reader down unless it’s necessary. Some rules to remember:  

We do not use a comma after “and” in a simple series, unless it’s necessary to make the meaning of a sentence clear: 

The American flag is red, white and blue.  

I need to go to the store for bread, milk, eggs and bacon.  

We ordered a salad, two drinks, and soup and salad. [Use the comma here to make the meaning clear].  

When using quotes, begin with the quote whenever possible and keep commas and periods go within quotation marks.  

Not this: She said, “I enjoy being a student at ACE”. She added “I hope to get another degree after this one”.  

This: “I enjoy being a student at ACE,” she said. “I plan to get another degree after this one.” 



Use a single space after all words and punctuation, including at the end of a sentence. Do not double-space after a period.